Animation is magic. Animation has fascinated us all, right from our childhood. We’ve imagined creating our own series, characters, storylines and much more.
It takes you in to the parallel world of your imagination, where anything is possible. It is an incredible medium to explore your creativity, without any limitations. And this is exactly what you will learn to do at MAAC.
AD3DEDGE Plus, a 3D animation course, covers the complete process of animation film making, from pre-production and production to post-production stages of film making. Emphasis is given to important aspects like storyboarding, stop-motion, 3D design and modelling.
AD3DEDGE Plus is an ideal starting point for aspiring animators, looking for a break in the field. You will be provided hands on training in latest, in-demand software like Maya, Autodesk 3ds, Fusion, Mudbox, Adobe Audition, etc. You will also acquire the necessary skills like story writing, directing, cinematography, editing and lighting, required to be a successful 3D animator.
This course creates job-ready professionals who are recruited & hired by animation studios, graphic design companies & gaming studios. You can choose from three specialization options at the end of the course-modelling & texturing, lighting & shading, and animation.
Course duration: 576 HRS (including one specialization)
Specilization Series There are three specialization option, you can choose any one.